While users are gradually Windows Phone Tango 8773 upgrade, they find a new undocumented feature. Here is a list of the new, that so far has been seen:

New Wallpaper - Microsoft has incorporated new natural theme wallpaper.
Answer when you enter the PIN code faster - at least for phones with firmware 8112 when trying to unlock the PIN process can be very slow and breakdowns are not the first time.
Send ringtones via MMS - it is now possible to attach a ringtone and send it to other users. Submit only your own ringtones, but not those that are sewn into the firmware.
Alphabetical Index - on phones with Windows Phone 7.x, after the user has typed more than 45 applications appeared alphabetical index to quickly locate the desired program. The problem was that with a decrease in the number of applications to less than 45, an index does not disappear. Updating the Tango is correct.
New Wallpaper - Microsoft has incorporated new natural theme wallpaper.
Answer when you enter the PIN code faster - at least for phones with firmware 8112 when trying to unlock the PIN process can be very slow and breakdowns are not the first time.
Send ringtones via MMS - it is now possible to attach a ringtone and send it to other users. Submit only your own ringtones, but not those that are sewn into the firmware.
Alphabetical Index - on phones with Windows Phone 7.x, after the user has typed more than 45 applications appeared alphabetical index to quickly locate the desired program. The problem was that with a decrease in the number of applications to less than 45, an index does not disappear. Updating the Tango is correct.
More robust notice - many users report a more stable and falling tiles messages. It seems that this is due to "flush the system" rather than with any optimization.
Features that were considered affordable, but they are not:
Static IP for Wi-Fi - in a normal build there, but the custom firmware can be included in the registry.
Icon locations - in fact it is not part of the Tango (8773), but is included in the assembly with the number 8779 +. So you can not search.
Export contacts to the SIM card - is not available, but can be enabled by editing the registry.
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