Probably every little person watching over the telecom world to know that yesterday, Apple announced new smartphone - iPhone 5. In fact, this is the main competitor of any other smartphone high price category, regardless of pre-installed inside the OS. I
will try very clear and without any grooves in specifications to
express their opinion as to the device itself and on the announcement.

First, I want to blame Apple for what they did not organize official video broadcast of the event, which already does most of its competitors. And the company says about innovation? In general, the scene itself and the atmosphere at the event in 2012 was no different from previous ones. This is the first smart phone and the second in the whole announcement, produced after the death of Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs), one of the co-founders and chief ideological mastermind of the company.
Let us turn to the product - Apple iPhone 5. The
first leak of information about the device appeared long before the
official announcement, and by 12 September the new iPhone has been known
to almost everyone. Of course, was a chance that everything known about the next smartphone Apple - well fabricated fake. But
the works of Phil Schiller (Phil Schiller), Apple's vice president of
marketing in the world, the announcement showed that the iPhone 5 turned
out exactly as expected. There
was hope for some unknown technical specifications and features, but
Apple is not surprising, in fact repeating all that was known in

Let's start with the key features of Apple iPhone 5 and major changes in the already sold models. Of course, the most important update - the display. If the iPhone 4 and 4S was a display with a diagonal of 3.5 inches and a resolution of 640 x 960, the screen of the iPhone 5 was slightly longer than the width is preserved. Now the display is 4 inches, and resolution - 1136 x 640 (16:9, 362 ppi). Mr. Shiller argues that such a relationship has been saved because of the wider screen is not as convenient to the user. Certainly, you can not believe the chief marketer of Apple, but if you look deep down, the main reason is quite different - taking care of the developers. When they are able to retain the width with a minimum of effort to port the application to a new smartphone, they will not have to redraw all the graphics. For those applications that can not be ported to the iPhone 5 launch, came up mode, when the program is only part of the screen, and the rest is filled with black. One of the journalists said that any such campaign would not forgiven. And so it is.
the smartphone itself is noticeably longer, evil tongues had already
called them in advance, "sausage", but the engineers were able to reduce
the weight to 112 grams. The
thickness of the new iPhone is only 7.6 mm, Apple called it the
thinnest smartphone in the world, but it is not - there is, for example,
Oppo Finder only 6.65 mm thick. If the two previous iPhone had a glass front and rear panels, the rear of the iPhone 5 is made of aluminum.

Camera resolution remains the same - 8 MP, but it used new lenses that have a serious impact on the quality of the photo. However, the owners of the iPhone and have never complained about the camera. The front can now shoot 720p-video, that is the quality of video and other Face Time video chats will increase. Apple finally found three microphones for improved sound quality and function of cutting noise, and greater in capacity battery, which will make life iPhone 5 on a single charge for longer iPhone 4S, despite the increased size of the display.Another important change - the processor Apple A6, which is already used in New iPad. Phil Schiller claimed that it is twice faster than its predecessor, and the power of the graphics accelerator has doubled. Once again, was told about the games graphics are not worse than the modern consoles, and Electronic Arts have even shown an impressive example. But I'm sure that in reality it would be much more prosaic - the schedule will be good though, but the effect is stronger not make it to that show the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.We got up to support LTE, the most popular in the world of 4G-wireless communications technology. In the near future will be released three versions of iPhone 5 with support for different sets of frequencies LTE. According to the first estimations until it turns out that neither of these options will not work in Russian LTE-networks. Comment on this situation do not even want - Russia is specific to Apple market, where sales of products, and so will be going quite well, even without much support.iPhone 5 New PortFor dessert remains the thing that I liked the whole presentation - new vosmipinovy connector for iPhone 5 to a computer or charger, called Lightning. First, the shape of the connector is quite handy, no unnecessary corners, it will not get stuck. Second, the two-way connector, that is it can be inserted into the slot on the case of any party! Put bluntly, this decision seriously benefit from the convenience of MicroUSB, which in Europe is the standard for all other smartphones.Now, the main technical disappointment - the lack of NFC. Some Russian journalists say that the technology is not needed - we still have too few opportunities for its application. I can answer them by two points. First - if not to the user devices with NFC, the technology will not be spread. The second - the world is not limited to Russia, in the same Asia services with support payment or exchange information via NFC fairly developed, and in the U.S. now goes boom technology. Apple explanations about NFC limited to what the technology is not yet needed to users.iPhone 5 Panorama CameraSomething new about the software portion of iPhone is hard to tell, about the iOS 6, we know almost everything. It may be noted that in the camera application the opportunity to shoot a panorama that is almost a year is in Android. Of new major can also be said that the iOS-devices will be updated Over-The-Air, that is "on air". This is a good step towards PostPC-era, which is so fond of saying in the Apple. Owners of Android-devices can smile again - this OS supports OTA is not the first year. Of course, change more, but they are more evolutionary in nature and do not cause enthusiastic exclamations. If you watched the presentation, and you remember something from this area - be sure to write about it in the comments.iPhone 5 Price All Models
Finally, changes in the model number and cost of the iPhone, and timing of the appearance of new items. First, iPhone 3GS, which is issued free of charge before signing the contract, leaving the stage - it replaces the iPhone 4 (8 GB). In turn, iPhone 4S (16GB) will be available for only $ 99 (of course, with the contract). iPhone 5 in the U.S. will cost $ 199 (16GB) and $ 399 (64GB) depending on the amount of internal memory. Pre-orders will start to collect from tomorrow, the sales in the first wave of countries will begin on September 21. The second wave will get iPhone 5 on September 28. Of course, Russia is not in both waves, we have a new iPhone will likely officially in December. The reasons for this are described above in the section on LTE. However, the first batch of "gray» iPhone 5 will be the next day after the start of sales in the U.S., currently pre-orders are accepted by so-called "huckster" at a price of 80-100 thousand.iPhone 5 iOS6 UpdateOf course, some of the existing iOS-devices will upgrade to the new version of the operating system. The list is extensive and affects how well Apple released the device supports: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, 4S, iPad 2, New iPad, as well as the iPod Touch 4th generation. Remind, iPhone 3GS was introduced in mid-2009! Unfortunately, manufacturers of Android-devices do not provide such support for many reasons, and Windows Phone will be maintained only guaranteed 18 months.iPod Touch New iPod Touch New ColorsLetís and other mobile products shown on this announcement - a new iPod Touch and nano. The first received a completely new design, body colored, branded on the hand loop, 5MP camera, similar to that of the iPhone 5 display and processor Apple A5. Changes really dramatic, and it is clear that Apple is trying by all means to save the segment, despite the cannibalization of the iPhone. The new iPod Touch is very bright and attractive.iPod nano NewFresh generation iPod nano also looks cool, although it has been perceived by the public is ambiguous. They have a larger display rectangular menu key and the support of many sports functions. New nano because elongated not get worn on the arm like a clock, and the name of the new items is not quite justified. Online they appear in seven different colors. By the way, straight from the tin iPod nano is conceptually very similar to the handheld media players Samsung two years ago. Lawsuits waiting ;)Let's go back to the iPhone 5 and try to sum up. Once again, that the text reflects only my personal attitude, others on the board may be quite different. Frankly, iPhone 5 - the next evolution in the hardware and in the software part. There is nothing that can really be called innovative. Despite this Apple has received in its line of balanced and attractive product that has almost caught up to the functional main competitor (yes, I'm talking about Android). With all the confidence we can say that the iPhone 5 will be on sale just crazy volumes and, most likely, in the near future will return to the U.S. championship. Sure and the world will be the most selling smartphone or even beat the record iPhone 4S.Now the world of mobile devices konsyumerskih rules is not innovation, and brand strength. The company from Cupertino is many times more than the competition.PS: I congratulate technology enthusiasts Apple. Finally, with the iPhone you can comfortably surf and watch videos, and controls in your applications do not take up a third of the screen. This is a huge step forward.
First, I want to blame Apple for what they did not organize official video broadcast of the event, which already does most of its competitors. And the company says about innovation? In general, the scene itself and the atmosphere at the event in 2012 was no different from previous ones. This is the first smart phone and the second in the whole announcement, produced after the death of Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs), one of the co-founders and chief ideological mastermind of the company.
Let's start with the key features of Apple iPhone 5 and major changes in the already sold models. Of course, the most important update - the display. If the iPhone 4 and 4S was a display with a diagonal of 3.5 inches and a resolution of 640 x 960, the screen of the iPhone 5 was slightly longer than the width is preserved. Now the display is 4 inches, and resolution - 1136 x 640 (16:9, 362 ppi). Mr. Shiller argues that such a relationship has been saved because of the wider screen is not as convenient to the user. Certainly, you can not believe the chief marketer of Apple, but if you look deep down, the main reason is quite different - taking care of the developers. When they are able to retain the width with a minimum of effort to port the application to a new smartphone, they will not have to redraw all the graphics. For those applications that can not be ported to the iPhone 5 launch, came up mode, when the program is only part of the screen, and the rest is filled with black. One of the journalists said that any such campaign would not forgiven. And so it is.
Camera resolution remains the same - 8 MP, but it used new lenses that have a serious impact on the quality of the photo. However, the owners of the iPhone and have never complained about the camera. The front can now shoot 720p-video, that is the quality of video and other Face Time video chats will increase. Apple finally found three microphones for improved sound quality and function of cutting noise, and greater in capacity battery, which will make life iPhone 5 on a single charge for longer iPhone 4S, despite the increased size of the display.Another important change - the processor Apple A6, which is already used in New iPad. Phil Schiller claimed that it is twice faster than its predecessor, and the power of the graphics accelerator has doubled. Once again, was told about the games graphics are not worse than the modern consoles, and Electronic Arts have even shown an impressive example. But I'm sure that in reality it would be much more prosaic - the schedule will be good though, but the effect is stronger not make it to that show the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.We got up to support LTE, the most popular in the world of 4G-wireless communications technology. In the near future will be released three versions of iPhone 5 with support for different sets of frequencies LTE. According to the first estimations until it turns out that neither of these options will not work in Russian LTE-networks. Comment on this situation do not even want - Russia is specific to Apple market, where sales of products, and so will be going quite well, even without much support.iPhone 5 New PortFor dessert remains the thing that I liked the whole presentation - new vosmipinovy connector for iPhone 5 to a computer or charger, called Lightning. First, the shape of the connector is quite handy, no unnecessary corners, it will not get stuck. Second, the two-way connector, that is it can be inserted into the slot on the case of any party! Put bluntly, this decision seriously benefit from the convenience of MicroUSB, which in Europe is the standard for all other smartphones.Now, the main technical disappointment - the lack of NFC. Some Russian journalists say that the technology is not needed - we still have too few opportunities for its application. I can answer them by two points. First - if not to the user devices with NFC, the technology will not be spread. The second - the world is not limited to Russia, in the same Asia services with support payment or exchange information via NFC fairly developed, and in the U.S. now goes boom technology. Apple explanations about NFC limited to what the technology is not yet needed to users.iPhone 5 Panorama CameraSomething new about the software portion of iPhone is hard to tell, about the iOS 6, we know almost everything. It may be noted that in the camera application the opportunity to shoot a panorama that is almost a year is in Android. Of new major can also be said that the iOS-devices will be updated Over-The-Air, that is "on air". This is a good step towards PostPC-era, which is so fond of saying in the Apple. Owners of Android-devices can smile again - this OS supports OTA is not the first year. Of course, change more, but they are more evolutionary in nature and do not cause enthusiastic exclamations. If you watched the presentation, and you remember something from this area - be sure to write about it in the comments.iPhone 5 Price All Models
Finally, changes in the model number and cost of the iPhone, and timing of the appearance of new items. First, iPhone 3GS, which is issued free of charge before signing the contract, leaving the stage - it replaces the iPhone 4 (8 GB). In turn, iPhone 4S (16GB) will be available for only $ 99 (of course, with the contract). iPhone 5 in the U.S. will cost $ 199 (16GB) and $ 399 (64GB) depending on the amount of internal memory. Pre-orders will start to collect from tomorrow, the sales in the first wave of countries will begin on September 21. The second wave will get iPhone 5 on September 28. Of course, Russia is not in both waves, we have a new iPhone will likely officially in December. The reasons for this are described above in the section on LTE. However, the first batch of "gray» iPhone 5 will be the next day after the start of sales in the U.S., currently pre-orders are accepted by so-called "huckster" at a price of 80-100 thousand.iPhone 5 iOS6 UpdateOf course, some of the existing iOS-devices will upgrade to the new version of the operating system. The list is extensive and affects how well Apple released the device supports: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, 4S, iPad 2, New iPad, as well as the iPod Touch 4th generation. Remind, iPhone 3GS was introduced in mid-2009! Unfortunately, manufacturers of Android-devices do not provide such support for many reasons, and Windows Phone will be maintained only guaranteed 18 months.iPod Touch New iPod Touch New ColorsLetís and other mobile products shown on this announcement - a new iPod Touch and nano. The first received a completely new design, body colored, branded on the hand loop, 5MP camera, similar to that of the iPhone 5 display and processor Apple A5. Changes really dramatic, and it is clear that Apple is trying by all means to save the segment, despite the cannibalization of the iPhone. The new iPod Touch is very bright and attractive.iPod nano NewFresh generation iPod nano also looks cool, although it has been perceived by the public is ambiguous. They have a larger display rectangular menu key and the support of many sports functions. New nano because elongated not get worn on the arm like a clock, and the name of the new items is not quite justified. Online they appear in seven different colors. By the way, straight from the tin iPod nano is conceptually very similar to the handheld media players Samsung two years ago. Lawsuits waiting ;)Let's go back to the iPhone 5 and try to sum up. Once again, that the text reflects only my personal attitude, others on the board may be quite different. Frankly, iPhone 5 - the next evolution in the hardware and in the software part. There is nothing that can really be called innovative. Despite this Apple has received in its line of balanced and attractive product that has almost caught up to the functional main competitor (yes, I'm talking about Android). With all the confidence we can say that the iPhone 5 will be on sale just crazy volumes and, most likely, in the near future will return to the U.S. championship. Sure and the world will be the most selling smartphone or even beat the record iPhone 4S.Now the world of mobile devices konsyumerskih rules is not innovation, and brand strength. The company from Cupertino is many times more than the competition.PS: I congratulate technology enthusiasts Apple. Finally, with the iPhone you can comfortably surf and watch videos, and controls in your applications do not take up a third of the screen. This is a huge step forward.
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