Downloads from a chain store applications for Android has reached a new record high! Information
about this just a few hours ago it was in the official blog, dedicated
to the Android operating system and related infrastructure. Of
course, responsible for the promotion of Google Play managers have left
the event without attention and are already preparing holiday campaign
with discounts!

The official blog of Android announced that the number of downloads from the Google Play reached just unimaginable value - 25 billion (25 billion)! We remind you that the app store for Android, called at that time, Android Market, opened in 2008, together with the official launch of the. Up to about 2010, the number of downloads in it grew very slowly - on the platform were not so many quality games and applications, but then made a good curve downloads and headed up the slope. The whole success story Android literally unfolding before our eyes, as we look to the published schedule!
this point in Google Play has 675,000 applications, of which there are
increasing with high-quality, are not ashamed to show the owners of
smartphones and tablets on other mobile OS. In fact, in Google Play is now possible to find a game or program on any most pretentious tastes.And
to celebrate the guys from Google launch campaign - the best apps from
Google Play will be available for only 25 cents (about 8 rubles)! The campaign will last for five days, the list of programs and games that fall under it, will be changed daily. As a result, Android users will be able to purchase most of the popular applications at a record low price.We wish the Android platform and store Google Play not to lose growth and please us 50 billion downloads in a couple of years!PS:
Unfortunately, many users of Android-devices still have "cracked"
versions of applications and file hosting vareznikov than seriously
undermine the ecosystem, puts its own smartphone or tablet at risk of
infection by malicious code and generally take a sin :) Guys let go of the Twilight! You are given a great chance to buy your favorite games and applications at a modest price.
The official blog of Android announced that the number of downloads from the Google Play reached just unimaginable value - 25 billion (25 billion)! We remind you that the app store for Android, called at that time, Android Market, opened in 2008, together with the official launch of the. Up to about 2010, the number of downloads in it grew very slowly - on the platform were not so many quality games and applications, but then made a good curve downloads and headed up the slope. The whole success story Android literally unfolding before our eyes, as we look to the published schedule!
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